An exploration of educational policies for teacher training in Entre Ríos


  • Julio Sebastián Merki National University of Entre Rios, Argentina



higher education, educational policies, teacher training, curriculum spaces, - curriculum study


This work arises as the closing of the assignment to the chair of Government and Organization of Educational Systems and Institutions (FCEdu-UNER). In it, an exploratory study is carried out on educational policies for higher education that depend on the Entre Ríos Education Council. It focuses on teacher training, especially the curricular spaces called Analysis and Organization of Educational Institutions, which is closely linked to the named chair. An overall reading of the level is proposed from the resolutions and a curricular analysis providing hypotheses for discussion. Throughout the text, possible dimensions that can continue to be studied are mentioned. Finally, some suggestions are left to promote changes.


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How to Cite

Merki, J. S. (2023). An exploration of educational policies for teacher training in Entre Ríos. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 140–157.


