About the Journal

Educación y Vínculos. Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Education, approved by Resol CD 238/17, was created in 2018 as a part of the activities of the Integral Project “Vínculo pedagógico, transmisión y lazo social en escuelas secundarias. Relaciones intergeneracionales, aprendizaje y socialización”, of the University and Territory Program (Resolution CS 091 / 16- FCE 2016-2018).

Educación y Vínculos it has been conceived as a space for the exchange of work experiences and studies on the present in Education, proposed as a dialogue between disciplines, between institutions and between generations, with a plural perspective. Its objective is to enable and promote the exchange between teachers and researchers, interested in the production of knowledge and intervention experiences in the field of Education from a rights and social inclusion perspective, with an interdisciplinary approach.

The journal is aimed at teachers at different levels of the educational system, researchers, university students, and students from teacher training institutes, as well as individuals interested in this field. We imagine enabling exchange with other teams and universities that are thinking about disciplinary “crossovers” to produce knowledge and generate novel forms of intervention.

Open Access and Metadata

Educación y Vínculos is committed to the principles of Public University, social production of knowledge, and the dissemination of the results of scientific research and university extension.

Furthermore, the journal upholds its commitment to Open Access policies for scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research funded by public funds should circulate freely, without charge, and without restrictions.

All content is published in the journal under the international Creative Commons 4.0 license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.

The contents of Educación y Vínculos are available in full text and for free, without temporary embargoes, and the editorial production costs are not transferred to the authors. This policy aims to break down economic barriers that create inequalities in both access to information and the publication of research results.

Each author can archive post-print versions of their work in institutional repositories, thematic repositories, and/or personal websites after publication on our portal.

Our journal incorporates interoperability protocols that allow retrieving information through various distribution systems. Information about the title, authors, disciplines, keywords, abstract, original institution, etc., is compiled under Dublin Core metadata tags. If you are interested in harvesting our metadata, please visit the page: http://pcient.uner.edu.ar/index/oai

Evaluation Process

The Editorial Committee receives submissions from authors and assesses their relevance for publication, considering a) the theme, b) the textual structure and academic writing, and c) the requirement for original and unpublished text.

At this stage, the submission may be rejected without going through the arbitration process if it does not align with the theme of the call or does not meet the quality criteria required for publication.

If the submission meets the admissibility criteria, it is accepted to move on to the arbitration stage, conducted by external referees not affiliated with the journal. In both cases, the author is notified.

Arbitration Process

The Editorial Committee records the date of receipt of the submitted article and sends it to two external referees, selected based on their specificity with the article or review's theme. The external referees will evaluate the quality of the writing through Double anonymous peer review process (the evaluator does not know the author, and the author does not know the evaluators, nor do the evaluators know each other).

The response to authors regarding the acceptance or rejection of their work depends on the referee's timing, which will not be less than forty days. Between receipt and communication of acceptance (with or without modifications) or rejection, no more than three months will pass. Depending on the number of received and accepted works, authors will be informed in which issue their article will be published, respecting the referee's approval date as an organizing criterion in each case.

The final outcome of the review may be:

  • Approved, without any objections. In this case, it will undergo copyediting for its final disposition in the journal.

  • Approved, subject to modifications regarding writing or bibliography, requests for clarification, or observations that the evaluators consider pertinent.

    In this case, authors will be given a specific time for corrections. If the authors do not make the necessary corrections or clarifications by the deadline, the article will not be published in that edition. If the authors make the necessary changes, the article goes back for editing. Once the final version is approved, it undergoes copyediting and is published. If the reviewers believe that the changes were not made, the article will not be published. This decision is final.

  • Not publishable, when it does not meet minimum standards (in terms of theoretical soundness or severe deficits in writing). In this case, the article will not be published in that issue. The evaluators' decision is final.

In case of disparate opinions among the evaluators, the Editorial Committee will review them and make a decision accordingly. The decision is final.

Editorial Ethics

Educación y Vínculos adheres to ethical codes for knowledge production in the country (Guidelines for Ethical Behavior in the Social Sciences and Humanities - CONICET Resolution No. 2857, December 11, 2006) and to Good Practices in Communication of the Public Defender. The commitments of the Editorial Committee are:

  • Provide clear and precise information about editorial standards and procedures, criteria, and results at different stages.

  • Maintain the privacy of the identities of authors and reviewers to ensure a double anonymous peer review mechanism.

  • Not disseminate any information regarding authorship or content of articles not selected for publication.

  • If the Editorial Committee makes an unintentional error in publication, it will be rectified through corrections, clarifications, and apologies.

  • Authors must ensure the originality of articles and guarantee that they have not been published or simultaneously submitted to other publications.

  • Authors assume full responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles and ensure compliance with ethical standards for the Social Sciences and Humanities. They must also ensure compliance with the editorial standards of the journal regarding references and bibliographic citations (Available at the following link).

  • Invited referees commit to meeting agreed-upon deadlines and criteria. They also commit to maintaining the confidentiality of the reviewed articles and to recuse themselves from evaluating articles with which they have conflicts of interest.

Intellectual Property

The intellectual property of the articles belongs to the authors, who grant Educación y Vínculos the rights for publication through the authorization form sent by the journal.

This authorization includes partial or total reproduction of the texts, provided that credit is given for the original creation and there is no commercial use. The content is published under the international Creative Commons 4.0 license: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.

The positions taken in the articles are the exclusive responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Editorial Committee.

Plagiarism Policy

Articles that involve violations of originality, such as different forms of partial or total plagiarism, or fraud, such as falsifications or omissions of data, duplicate publication, or authorship conflicts, will be rejected. In such cases, authors will be notified, including the corresponding evidence.

Language Policy

In line with the expressed principles and policies, Educación y Vínculos is committed to struggles for the recognition of all individuals. The recognition of basic rights includes a language policy and therefore demands a position in this debate. To simultaneously address the criteria of inclusive gender language and the accessibility of visually impaired individuals, we adopt the use of the letter "e" and not "x" or "@" given the current conditions of reading programs.

Year of Inception: 2018

Frequency: Biannual (January to June and July to December)

Language: Articles are exclusively published in Spanish.

Main Topics: Education, politics, and rights; Education, teaching, and learning; Disability and educational equality; Cultures, communication, and education; Psychoanalysis and mental health; Feminisms, gender studies, and sexualities. Queer pedagogies and Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI).

ISSN: 2591-6327

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33255/2591-6327

Contact: educacionyvinculos@gmail.com