When social communicators manage Communication / Education processes in and about prisons


  • Gretel Schneider Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina


Social Communicators, prison, Communication/Education


Based on the changes in sociability practices that the arrival of Covid19 to the world and our country implied, in April 2020 a protocol was carried out in federal and provincial prisons through which what the hegemonic media of communication called "mass release of prisoners", based on the overcrowding that prevented social distancing and other hygiene standards in prisons. From this event whose relevance was amplified, we are going to stop at the role of social communicators in terms of responsibility as builders of meanings that are later crystallized. To do this, we will focus on two forms of incidence or intervention in and for the meanings about spaces of deprivation of liberty for serving sentences and people in conflict with criminal law nas in: as constructors of narratives about prison and as facilitators of Communication / Education spaces in confinement contexts.


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Author Biography

Gretel Schneider, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina

Doctora en Ciencias Sociales y Licenciada en Comunicación Social. Investigadora y extensionista de procesos de comunicación y educación en contextos de encierro punitivo. Docente de la FCEdu-UNER y la FCVyS-UADER. 


2021-06-29 — Updated on 2021-07-04

How to Cite

Schneider, G. (2021). When social communicators manage Communication / Education processes in and about prisons. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, (7), 157–171. Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/EyV/article/view/1035


