Write, teach, make the world among friends. Poetics of everyday life

Interview with Noelia Gipler and Kevin Jones


  • Alicia Naput Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina


politics of writing, distribution of the sensible, educational affects


We talked with Noelia Gipler and Kevin Jones, poets, teachers, workshop leaders, activists, theorists, friends, about writing as a form of sensitive assemblage. We wonder how this way of conceiving and acting writing conflicts with the classic forms of political and pedagogical intervention. And also, in what way do these collective practices harbor the human in their escapes, their changes of course.

In the drift of the conversation, the writings about politics and carelessness emerge, the need to open the intimate archives of the militancy, as a way to queerize these collective actions, to make room for disagreements. How our institutions and organizations make room for sensitivities as a way of caring for their bodies, their inhabitants, and their colleagues.

The writings and pedagogical interventions are also considered as ways of recovering the small, the fragments of discourse, what sustains and is sustained in the daily love of friendship; as ways of making the world. Fragments of speeches that claim a place of thought around what has been learned, the images of what has been lived; speeches made from scripture about those visible intensities and their spectral shapes.



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Author Biography

Alicia Naput, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina

Profesora en Ciencias de la Educación y doctora en Educación (tesis: El cine como experimentación estético-política. Aportes a un pensamiento de la educación estética). Profesora de Política de la Educación, Teoría Política e Historia del pensamiento. Directora del PID Cuerpos, géneros y sexualidades en educación. Exploraciones transfronterizas entre derechos, agencias, conmociones estéticas y alteraciones culturales.


2021-06-29 — Updated on 2021-07-14

How to Cite

Naput, A. (2021). Write, teach, make the world among friends. Poetics of everyday life: Interview with Noelia Gipler and Kevin Jones. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, (7), 102–121. Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/EyV/article/view/1076



Sección especial. Conversaciones para un feminismo descentrado