The teacher training journals: transmission, tradition and subjective agency.

About narrative devices as a subjective resource.


  • Federico Gastón Waissmann Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Universidad Nacional del Litoral



Journals, Transmission, Tradition, Subjective agency, Teacher training


The article presents the preliminary results of the master's thesis " Los dispositivos basados en narraciones como un recurso subjetivante: transmisión, tradición y agenciamiento subjetivo en los diarios de formación docente", directed by Mg. Sonia Luquez and co-directed by Dr. María Serra, within the framework of the Master's Degree in Social Sciences at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. The study focused on the investigation of teacher training journals with the aim of introducing a somewhat broader debate on the power of narrative devices in deepening personal knowledge or about themselves in students who undergo teacher training. The main interest of the thesis is the recovery of the teacher training journals as an empirical reference through which some meanings are revealed that talk to us about what takes place inside these academic spaces and, otherwise, would be inaccessible to us. Although the work with teacher-training journals as an empirical reference is not new, there is not enough research where journals themselves are taken as a source.


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Author Biography

Federico Gastón Waissmann, Universidad Nacional de Rosario - Universidad Nacional del Litoral

Federico Gastón Waissmann



How to Cite

Waissmann, F. G. (2021). The teacher training journals: transmission, tradition and subjective agency.: About narrative devices as a subjective resource. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, (8), 70–82.


