A journey through the history of Psychology in the FHAyCS-UADER

About: Making stories. 20 years of the Psychology career of FHAyCS-UADER, by Luisina Bourband (comp.), Paraná: Editorial UADER; Rosario: Laborde editor, 2022.


  • Melina Albornoz Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos, Argentina




Psychology, Academic training , UADER, Humanities, Education


This review presents a work that commemorates the life of a career: Psychology, in an institution: the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences of the UADER. On its 20th anniversary, this book brings together a set of works presented at the III Debates and Politics in Psychology and Psychoanalysis Conference, held in September 2021 as part of the celebrations.

Through the stories of the different authors it is possible to recall the history, with its joys and darkness, its bad times and its victorious discoveries, of this profession that made its way in 2001, in a complex context and that today is positioned solidly. at the provincial and national levels. An institution and a career that are a commitment to a public, secular and quality university education for young people who decide to train.


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How to Cite

Albornoz, M. (2022). A journey through the history of Psychology in the FHAyCS-UADER: About: Making stories. 20 years of the Psychology career of FHAyCS-UADER, by Luisina Bourband (comp.), Paraná: Editorial UADER; Rosario: Laborde editor, 2022. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 129–134. https://doi.org/10.33255/2591/1444



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