Política Editorial

Editorial policy

Open Access: Educación y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education has been conceived as an exclusively digital, online, free access and free download publication, without any financial charges for publishers or authors. It is available on the Scientific Publications Portal of the National University of Entre Ríos, PCient.

E&V is committed to the principles of the Public University, with the social production of knowledge and the socialization of the results of scientific research and university extension.

Editorial Ethic: E&V adheres to the codes of ethics for the production of knowledge in the country (Guidelines for ethical behavior in the Social Sciences and Humanities -CONICET Resolution N° 2857, December 11, 2006) and the Good Practices in Communication from the Public Defender's Office. The commitments of the Editorial Committee are:

  • Provide clear and precise information on the rules and editorial procedures, criteria and results in the different instances.
  • Maintain privacy of the identities of authors and reviewers to ensure the double-blind evaluation mechanism.
  • It will not disseminate any information regarding author data or content of articles not selected for publication.
  • If the Editorial Committee makes an involuntary error in the publication, it will be amended and may do so through corrections, clarifications and apologies.
  • The authors are obliged to ensure the originality of the articles and to guarantee that they have not been published or sent simultaneously to other publications.
  • The authors assume full responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles as well as ensuring compliance with the ethical standards for Social and Human Sciences. They should also ensure the editorial standards of the journal in terms of references and bibliographic citations. (Available in About).
  • The Referees called agree to comply with the agreed deadlines and criteria. They undertake to maintain the confidentiality of the articles reviewed. They also undertake to excuse themselves from evaluating articles with whose contents they maintain conflicts of interest.

Policy on plagiarism: The Editorial Committee reviews the submissions for a preliminary evaluation, regarding the thematic relevance and the adjustment to the publication rules. Articles that incur in lack of originality, that is, different forms of partial or total plagiarism; or fraud, such as falsifications or omissions of data, or duplicate publication, or conflicts of authorship, will be rejected. In such cases, the authors will be notified, attaching the corresponding evidence.

Language Policy: in line with the principles and policies expressed, E&V is committed to the struggles for the recognition of all people. The recognition of basic rights includes a language policy and therefore demands a position in this debate. In order to simultaneously attend to the gender inclusive language criteria and the accessibility of people with visual disabilities, we adopted the use of the letter “e” and not “x” or “@”, given the current conditions of the reading programs.

Intellectual Property: The intellectual property of the articles belongs to the authors, who grant E&V the rights for their publication, through the authorization form sent by the journal. The authorization includes the partial or total reproduction of the texts as long as credit is given for the original creation and does not imply commercial use. The content is published under a CreativeCommons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

The positions assumed in the articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Editorial Committee.

Proceso Editorial

1) The Editorial Committee receives the submissions from the authors and evaluates their relevance for the publication, considering a) the thematic, b) the textual structure and academic writing, and c) the requirement of original and unpublished text.

In this instance, the submission may be rejected without going through the arbitration process for not responding to the subject of the call, or for not meeting the quality criteria required for publication. If the submission meets the admissibility criteria, it is accepted to proceed to the arbitration stage, by external referees to the Journal. In both cases, the author is notified.

2) Arbitration process. The Editorial Committee registers the date of receipt of the submitted article and forwards it to two external references that are selected with a criterion of specificity with the subject of the article or review. The external referees will evaluate the quality of the writing, using a double-blind procedure (the evaluator does not know the author and the author does not know his evaluators, nor do the evaluators know each other).

3) The response to the authors regarding the acceptance or rejection of their work depends on the times of the referendum, which will not be less than forty days. Between the reception and the communication of its acceptance (without modifications or subject to them) or its rejection will not take more than three months. Depending on the number of papers received and accepted, the authors will be informed in which issue their article will be published, respecting in each case the date of approval by the referent as the ordering criterion.

4) The final result of the opinion may be:

  • Approved, without any objection. In this case, it will be subject to a style correction for its final disposition in the magazine.
  • Approved, subject to minor modifications regarding writing or bibliography, requests for clarification or observations that the evaluators consider pertinent.
  • Approved, subject to substantive modifications regarding writing or bibliography, requests for clarification or observations that the evaluators consider pertinent.

In both cases, a certain time will be given to the authors for their correction. After the deadline, if the authors did not make the necessary corrections or discharges, the article will not be published in that edition. If the authors make the necessary changes, the article returns to correction. Once the final version is approved, it goes to the style correction and is published. If the reviewers consider that the changes were not made, the article will not be published. This definition is final.

  • Not publishable, when it does not meet the minimum standards (in terms of theoretical soundness or has severe deficits in writing). In this case, the article will not be published in that issue. The judgment of the evaluators is final.

In case of disparate opinions between the evaluators, the Editorial Committee will review them and make a decision on the matter. The decision will be final.