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Teacher´s conceptions
education and technology
technological innovations
pedagogical knowledge
conceptual change

How to Cite

Arancibia Herrera, M. M., Casanova Seguel, R., & Soto Caro, C. P. (2016). TEACHERS’ CONCEPTIONS ABOUT LEARNING AND TEACHING USING TECHNOLOGY. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/162


This paper shows how categories and subcategories of forty teachers of science, history, mathematics and spanish and their conceptions of teaching and learning with ICT. The methodology approach is qualitative and in-depth interview were apply. A phenomenografic analysis was done using the curricular, didactics and technologies dimensions.

The main results of this investigation evidence that the conceptions are placed, explicit  knowledge determine by different disciplinary fields. Nevertheless, the dichotomy between the disciplinarian training and pedagogic training is broken, because high school teachers is a facilitator of discipline learning.

As a result of this, it is necessary to go deeper into the topic of teacher conceptions as an area that allow us to support the teacher´s training with the conceptual change processes as a substrate of technological innovation.

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