The role of the intellectual in the processes of social transformation

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María Jimena Ramirez


This article presents the central categories of the epistemology of the South proposed by Boaventura de Sousa Santos for the purpose of rethinking in a decolonial key the problem of the role of the intellectual in the processes of social transformation.

The article begins with a brief introduction to the decolonial critique of the modern-scientific legacy to the extent that it manifests its crisis, and enables the emergence of a different paradigm. Subsequently, the nuclear elements of the Epistemology of the South presented by De Sousa Santos are analytically synthesized, to finally return to the initial problem and try to outline the scenario of a cognitive justice that allows us to continue in the search for other worlds and ways of knowing.


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How to Cite
Ramirez, M. J. (2022). The role of the intellectual in the processes of social transformation. El Cardo, (18), 5–15.
Artículos temáticos


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