Philosophy of education, liberation and dicoloniality

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Fernando Fava


Fifty years after the emergence of the liberationist group and the public presentation of its theses and working hypotheses in  Hacia una filosofía de la liberación latinoamericana, this article attempts a rereading of the contributions of the aforementioned philosophical generation, to think about the philosophy of education in a liberationist perspective. In this way, starting from a contextualization of the problems around the status of the activity or philosophical exercising assumed by the group, we will make a stop at the explanation of the contributions made by Aníbal Fornari, to think from the perspective of the following topics: philosophy, education and liberation, a possible philosophy of education as liberationist pedagogy. Finally, as a brief synthesis, the contributions provided by the Argentine thinker are collected and possible continuities in decolonial thought are pointed out.


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How to Cite
Fava, F. (2022). Philosophy of education, liberation and dicoloniality. El Cardo, (18), 16–25.
Artículos temáticos


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