Young people and literary reading. A current look from the standpoint of didactics of language and literature

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Facundo Machuca


This article reflects on some theoretical notions essential to base and improve the proposals of literary reading aimed at young people, in contexts of formal or non-formal reading mediation, emphasizing a corpus of regional literature, as a possibility or alternative to strengthen and enrich the didactic decisions linked to the positioning of a teacher or mediator of reading and culture committed to their function. The questions that invite reflection come from the updated field of didactics literature, currently worked on in the Didactics of Language and Literature I and II chairs of the specific training of Secondary Education Teachers in Language and Literature (Plan Decree 514/18) of the Instituto Superior de Profesorado N.° 4 of Reconquista, Santa Fe. Thus, the text motivates to rethink the teaching terea, or as mediators of reading in general, from the following questions: What books are presented to young people who go through secondary education? How is its reading proposed? focusing on several central questions: the notion of "canon", the criteria for selecting the corpus and teaching approaches. All of them, in unison, will lead to rethinking didactic decisions, including positioning in the context of teaching and mediation, in the epistemological bases and in the responsibility that belongs to the teacher and mediator in the reading path of young people.


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How to Cite
Machuca, F. . (2022). Young people and literary reading. A current look from the standpoint of didactics of language and literature. El Cardo, (18), 39–52.
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