“You shall not pay”: Informed Consent as producer of solidarity in reproductive medicine
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Egg donation
informed consent
science and technology

How to Cite

Ariza, L. (2016). “You shall not pay”: Informed Consent as producer of solidarity in reproductive medicine. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/131


Using a pragmatist and Science and Technology Studies approach this article explores the use of the informed consent form (ICF) as a medical-administrative device used in egg donation in Argentina. The signing an ICF, it is argued, seeks to provide the felicitous conditions for the assertions contained in it, as well as for other statements regarding the selfless character of donations, to performate ova donors and recipients as altruistic persons. Such configuration is part of the production of the fertility clinic as a moral space rather than as an environment entrenched in the logic of the market. The article advances, thus, a non-anthropocentric view of altruism and solidarity that aims to explain them as sociotechnical results rather than as persons’ innate qualities.

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