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eddy currents
dynamometer for electric motors
motor testing

How to Cite

Gallo, O. D., Gonella, R. M. J., Ferreyra, D. M., & Díaz, A. J. (2016). EDDY-CURRENT DYNAMOMETER FOR ELECTRIC MOTOR TESTING. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 28(54). Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/136


This work deals with different aspects regarding the construction and commissioning of the prototype for an eddy-current dynamometer designed to test electric motors.

In the introduction, the background and previous experiences with similar machinery are described. Afterwards, specific constructive details are given on the dynamometer and its power supply.

In the section on testing, the temperatures of both coils and discs are given, and tests at different loads are described.

Operating parameters such as magnetomotive forces, currents in the discs, torques and losses are calculated in the section on operating values.

Finally, in the conclusions, the advantages and disadvantages of this design are discussed, as well as the upgrades to be carried out for the equipment performance to improve.

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