The incorporation of technology into daily life has accelerated in recent years, modifying the practices that children develop with technology. Although the phenomenon is recent and has not yet been sufficiently studied, the concern regarding the increase in the time children spend using technologies, mostly seen as an occasion for distraction or futile entertainment, can now be considered an important element in the classroom. In this article we ask ourselves about digital literature or fiction and its relationship with education. We will focus on exposing some potentialities and the theoretical and technical difficulties presented by the incorporation of digital fictions in the Ibero-American educational system. From a qualitative and detailed analysis on digital fictions, we will present their potentialities, established in two axes: a) hybridization of the cultural context and b) fiction and game. At the same time, we reflect on the difficulties of their incorporation into the educational system, focusing on three issues: inaccessibility, price and language. Finally, we present the development of a digital fiction in Spanish using freeware.
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