Un-learning and loss of local capabilities. The national vaccination schedule in Argentina
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Traditional Vaccines
Modern Vaccines
Pharmaceutical Transnational Corporations
International Health Organizations

How to Cite

Corvalán, D. (2017). Un-learning and loss of local capabilities. The national vaccination schedule in Argentina. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 28(54). Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/234


Since the beginning of the XXI century, Argentine government changed the public policy linked to the National Vaccination Schedule (NVS) by adding new vaccines. Upon incorporation of biological techniques since mid-80s, the global pharmaceutical industry became interested in vaccine production. In this context, the vaccine industry has changed the productive innovative frame, thus giving way modern vaccines. As a result, local production has faced a technical and organizational gap, the loss of productive capabilities has worsened, and hence production has lost importance as a supplier of vaccines to the NVS. In parallel, local vaccine supply shows a strong import bias. This paper analyzes changes in central countries, and its effect on Argentine policy. An elite of pharmaceutical companies controls the production of modern vaccines globally as well as the provision of vaccines in Argentina.

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