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History of Education
teaching practices
high schools

How to Cite

Ramallo, F., & Porta, L. G. (2017). “OTHER” NARRATIVES OF TEACHING PRACTICES AL MAR DEL PLATA NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 28(55). Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/249


This article attempts to revise the teaching practices at Argentinean high schools in the first half of the twentieth century on the basis of a case study of Colegio Nacional Mar del Plata. In such context it is possible to gain insights into the establishment of such state agencies, as well as to identify tensions with other narratives of the same accounts. First, we observe the conditions of production of other research findings which have been grounded on discursive and normative aspects and the written curriculum. We then describe certain teaching practices on the basis of testimonies and alternative school records (students’ files, syllabi and Rectors’ reports). Narrating these other practices enables a perspective rooted in the life in the classrooms and inside the schools, which in turns implies the exploration of contradictions and resistance in the school culture which other history accounts underestimate.
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