Appropriation of Information and Communication Technology as Generators of Educational Innovations in Teaching Practice at the Universidad de Los Andes
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information and communication technologies (ICT)
ICT appropriation
higher education
educational innovation

How to Cite

Sandia Saldivia, B. E., Luzardo Briceño, M., & Aguilar-Jiménez, A. S. (2019). Appropriation of Information and Communication Technology as Generators of Educational Innovations in Teaching Practice at the Universidad de Los Andes. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 30(58 may-oct), 267–289.


This paper presents the results of an assessment of the level of appropriation of ICT, as generators of educational innovation, by teachers of two Faculties of the Universidad of Los Andes, based on the Adell´s  appropriation model (2008). Information gathered indicates that teachers of both schools are located on level three (3) of appropriation (Adaptation), which means that even when they possess a certain level of knowledge and make use of ICT, do not get to customize its use according to their needs and incorporate strategies oriented to cooperative and interdisciplinary work, project-based and product development contexts.
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