Text, reception and ethnographic authority. The “anthropologist as author" and scientific production
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scientific writing
ethnographic text

How to Cite

Gil, G. J. (2015). Text, reception and ethnographic authority. The “anthropologist as author" and scientific production. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(50), 144–160. Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/51


In this paper, the authorial dimension of the ethnographic text will be questioned in a broad sense. Thus, the focus will be the “product” of scientific research which, beyond its literary dimension, is treated as a complex process in which not only rhetoric strategies are performed, but also authorial marks are detected.  These facts imply that, for example, scientific texts –in this case, the ethnographic texts about the past– are also the result of negotiation processes and insertion strategies in a field where the author is forced to analyze carefully the ways by means of which he engages in the “science game”.

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