Split between Teaching and Research? The Case of University of Buenos Aires
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Changes in Higher Education
Scientific Research Policy
Teaching and Research
Buenos Aires University

How to Cite

Rikap, C. (2015). Split between Teaching and Research? The Case of University of Buenos Aires. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(51), 54–101. Retrieved from https://ojstesteo.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/65


This article aims to provide elements for the analysis of the tendency to split up teaching and research in the current University. To this end, first it summarizes Levin (1997 and 2010) approach of intrinsic differentiation of capital in order to contextualize University’s recent transformations. Then, a first approximation is made to an analytical fiction of today’s University entitled University of Technological Capital (UCT). From this ideal model, the paper explores one of its features, the deeper split between teaching and research at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). This is done by using the university statistical yearbooks and the UBA census for the year 2011, published recently. Finally, we conclude that the split between teaching and research at the UBA corresponds to the fiction of UCT.

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