Sexting: perceptions among students in Tucumán about motivations and risks
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Sexting; adolescents; motivations; risks

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Narvaja, M. E. (2019). Sexting: perceptions among students in Tucumán about motivations and risks. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 30(59 nov-abr).


This research analyzes according to gender the perceptions among adolescents in Tucumán about: a) motivations for sexting participation; b) possible problematic situations of non-consensual diffusion of images and c) the experiences of cyber-harassment. A survey was applied to a representative sample of 659 students from the province of Tucuman. The final sample consisted of 346 women (52.5 %) and 312 men (47.3 %). Ages were between 12 and 20 years (M= 14.98; D.T: 1.6). The results show that the practice of sexting is due to multiple motivations, among which is the desire for popularity, to show off someone they like, or to have sex. Among the major concerns of the viralization of images is the fact that their parents felt ashamed and the risk of damaging their reputation.
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