The Argentine Participation in the Spatial Field: Historical and Current Overview
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History of Science
Aerospace Technology

How to Cite

Vera, M. N., Guglielminotti, C. R., & Moreno, C. D. (2015). The Argentine Participation in the Spatial Field: Historical and Current Overview. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(51), 326–349. Retrieved from


The next article pretends to give a general overview on Argentinean spatial technology history, approaching, in a deeper way, the advances in the area during the last decade. This work is divided in two parts. The first one (points 1 to 4) performs a review about space development in Argentina, from its beginnings to the present.  The second, which comprises point 5 to 7, is centered around the current missions and the space access program, developed and carried out by CONAE, which are main objectives of the national telecommunication project and the Argentinean spatial complex in the next years. 
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