21st century education in times of pandemic
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educación, pandemia, tecnologías digitales, jóvenes.

How to Cite

Linne, J. (2021). 21st century education in times of pandemic. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 32(62 may-ago). https://doi.org/10.33255/3262/977


This paper explores high school internships during the COVID pandemic. For this, a survey (n: 623) and interviews with 40 students and teachers from Buenos Aires were carried out. Among the results, the tensions produced are evident, from the difficulties of equipment and connectivity in schools with a larger population of popular sectors, to anxiety and depression in students and burn out in teachers, parents. Beyond difficulties and uncertainties, students value teaching effort and miss attending school as a space for meeting and sociability. They also demand an update of content and a greater inclusion of computer knowledge that is useful to them. Among the conclusions, it is argued that the school articulates fundamental coordinates around the construction of citizenship, beyond a certain gap with certain cultural practices that predominate in the 21st century.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Joaquin Linne


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