Life experiences and insights of a group of educator-researchers about the VII Meeting of Educational Research in the province of Misiones. Contributions to knowledge democratisation in the educational field.

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Alicia Mónica Oudin
Sonia Marcela Szilak
Eduardo Julian Medeiro
Gabriela Del Rocío Gómez
Ariana Magalí Radovic
Mirtha Ramona Ganduglia


In the present article, we describe the experiences of the VII Provincial Meeting of the Red de Investigación Educativa in the province of Misiones, which took place in 2022. We aim to inform and explain the self-reflection processes resulting from participating in the experience developed by the research team from the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Químicas y Naturales, of the Universidad Nacional de Misiones.
We took our stance within the Participatory Action Research approach as our methodological stand because it regards research as a collective democratic act, that implies an increase in participatory intervention actions, aiming at transforming our pedagogical practices. From this perspective, the purpose was to contribute to mediation processes by means of the discussions that arose throughout the Meeting.
The present work is divided into four parts which attempt at retrieving the unfolding process of the Meeting, as a stepping-stone to create learning processes that will enable us to transform our practices. In the first part, we reconstructed the process that led to the organisation of the Meeting. In the second and third parts, we moved on to a self-reflective look at the peer reading process and the pedagogical visits.
Finally, we recovered the closing session and the learning outcomes that foster reflection on the pedagogical knowledge constructed during the event in the various working groups. This newly acquired knowledge also drives us to move forward in the production of knowledge and its democratization.
As a process, the Meeting aimed at building spaces where, as educators, we can adopt a reflective look on ourselves as well as take distance through a self-reflection process. Becoming objectified through a reconstructed narration resulting from peer contributions is at the core of adopting this reflexive path.
In line with this, we can say that it was a reflection-action time about the reported pedagogical practices in the field of educational research of those who shared their experiences.


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How to Cite
Oudin, A. M., Szilak, S. M., Medeiro, E. J., Gómez, G. D. R., Radovic, A. M., & Ganduglia, M. R. (2023). Life experiences and insights of a group of educator-researchers about the VII Meeting of Educational Research in the province of Misiones. Contributions to knowledge democratisation in the educational field. El Cardo, (19), 1–16.
Espacio Abierto (Convocatoria permanente)


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