Has long-term planning ever been attempted? The case of satellite telecommunications in Argentina
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technological development planning
satellite telecommunications
meaning construction processes
ARSAT satellites

How to Cite

Seijo, G. (2023). Has long-term planning ever been attempted? The case of satellite telecommunications in Argentina. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 34(67 (ene-abr). https://doi.org/10.33255/3467/1408


This article analyzes the emergency process of the ARSAT-1 and -2 satellites, addressing i) their planning process, ii) their subsequent construction, and iii) the sale of satellite telecommunications services resulting from these technological developments. From the planning process, both the prose of the Argentine Geostationary Satellite Plan and its unfinished implementation process are analyzed in this forum. In addition, the close links that existed between the Argentine political dynamics and the relative relevance of this initiative in the Argentine government agenda are addressed. Controversies and discrepancies between the actors linked to the development of a very incipient Argentine satellite industry allow, on the one hand, to explain this interruption in the trajectory and, on the other, to estimate what kind of effort (in terms of coordination of future actions) will be necessary to be able to re-plan telecommunications satellite projects. This paper aimed to study the political dynamics related to this embryonic Argentine satellite industry vis-à-vis its technological developments and management practices for the commercialization of telecommunications services.

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