Using Turnitin with feedback improve academic honesty among high school students
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high school education
academic plagiarism
academic dishonesty

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Díaz Arce, D. (2015). Using Turnitin with feedback improve academic honesty among high school students. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(51), 197–216. Retrieved from


The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of plagiarism by copy-paste internet sources once implemented the use of Turnitin and feedback on high school students. A sample of 68 papers were classified into three academic research from June 2014 to January 2015. The average of General Similarity Index was 21% for all papers, ranging between 2% and 94%. A significant reduction was observed from the first to the third essay. The evidences of copy-paste without giving credit to the original source was 52.9%, which was significantly reduced from 81% in the first study to 20% in the third. There was a significant improvement in academic writing in about 36% of students. It is concluded that Turnitin, used with adequate feedback, can improve the skills of high school students on academic writing and reduce academic dishonesty.

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