Science Communication at institutions: Two analytical models applied to the UNER case
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Public communication
Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

How to Cite

Cortassa, C., Wursten, A., Andrés, G., & Legaria, J. I. (2020). Science Communication at institutions: Two analytical models applied to the UNER case. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 31(61 nov-mar).


The aim of the article is to put forward two analytical models to address how Research &
Development institutions perform their functions regarding public science communication,
and to explore their validity and fruitfulness when applied to a case study focused on
the National University of Entre Ríos (UNER, Argentina). It will be argued that those kind of practices may be stimulated both by organization-led strategies and initiatives and/or by the scientific community’s perceptions and attitudes related with the issue. The discussion of empirical evidence shows that, jointly, those dimensions make up more or less favourable settings for public science communication advancement and expansion in the contexts at hands. The results overall provide relevant inputs to influence the design of institutional policies devoted to strengthen the role of universities in social appropriation of scientific and technological knowledge processes.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2020 Carina Cortassa, Andrés Wursten, Gonzalo Andrés, Juan Ignacio Legaria


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