Formative assessment mediated by information and communication technologies An experience in teaching subjects at the higher level

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María Georgina Avila


The present paper analyzes the evaluation’s educommunicative experience understood as a “formative process”, in order to assess the learning processes of students during the virtual course of a high level subject of the career “Tecnicatura Superior in Human Resources” run at a privately owned educational institution, in the province of Córdoba, Argentina.

During the school years 2020 and 2021 and due to the mandatory social isolation imposed by the pandemic COVID-19, the face-to-face teaching of the subject was replaced by the use of synchronous videoconferences. This allowed the development of learning and evaluation activities planned over a process structure (Kaplún, 1998) in order to increase the difficulty and progress in the contents.

The students gradually provided evidence of their learning processes by sharing their activities as requested. The listening, participation and commitment of the group in the videoconference was essential. The teacher -tutor- accompanied, supported, facilitated the analysis and reflection of the learning process, and then built up and shared - among all, the social product of learning.

It was observed that the direct contact with the situation and the world that surrounds  them, “situated learning” (Molas Castell, 2018), motivated students in their learning processes and commitment to the task. Students were true protagonists, while the teacher and the class group appeared as co-workers in the corresponding analysis.

In this sense, the evaluation departed from the reproductive logic; instead, it qualitatively measured the learning processes, from successive individual and/or group interventions of students and teachers according to the activities planned in real contexts or close to the student’s reality.

Finally, it was interpreted that the dynamics of the group,  generated a particular context of use of ICTs Coll (2008), which became the group and the teacher’s means to think and share their ideas, feelings and experiences.


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How to Cite
Avila, . M. G. (2022). Formative assessment mediated by information and communication technologies: An experience in teaching subjects at the higher level. El Cardo, (18), 89–99.
Espacio Abierto (Convocatoria permanente)


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