Agrobiotechnology laboratories: decision levels in technology transfer trajectories
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Technology Transfer
Social Studies of Science

How to Cite

Romani, F., Codner, D., & Pellegrini, P. A. (2016). Agrobiotechnology laboratories: decision levels in technology transfer trajectories. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from


Historically the production of scientific knowledge in Argentina is characterized by a large gap between industry and scientific research. However, in recent years it can be seen premature cases of innovation which articulate relationships between researchers and companies. It is particulary interesting the study of agribiotechnology.
The present work is carried out in the context of social studies of science and technology and it aims to analyze the trajectories of research and development laboratories cases which have projects in technology transfer to companies. The purpose is to characterize the strategies developed to guide their research in this direction.
The general findings illustrate the existence of different levels of decision making that are key in achieving technology transfer. These decisions shape strategies which manage to coexist laboratory research and transfer.

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