The platforms as infrastructures. The use of the infrastructural approach to study two types of non-digital platforms
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How to Cite

Hubert, M., Macedo, M. G., & Spivak L’Hoste, A. (2023). The platforms as infrastructures. The use of the infrastructural approach to study two types of non-digital platforms. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 34(69 (set-dic).


This article explores the concept of platform from an infrastructural approach, focusing on its role in shaping and regulating the activities it enables. The results presented refer to two types of non-digital platforms: first, the Energy Scenarios Platform, a participatory platform that serves for the formulation of future projections of a vision of the energy matrix and its possible future trajectory; second, four instrumental platforms in nanotechnology, which allow sharing access to and use of a variety of equipment and instruments for research and technology transfer in this field. We successively consider the two types of platforms and analyze them by applying three of the principles of the infrastructural approach proposed by Susan Leigh Star and Karen Ruhleder (2010). The infrastructural approach adopted allows, in particular, to analyze the process of co-production between the technical and political dimensions of the platforms studied, to underline the weight of their material and institutional inertias and to show the organizational adjustments as they occur, restoring the uncertainties and tentativeness that they entail.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Matthieu Hubert, María Guadalupe Macedo, Ana Spivak L'Hoste


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