Strategies to strengthen innovation capabilities: a view from micro and small enterprises
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micro y small enterprises
dynamic capabilities

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Morales-Rubiano, M. E., Ortiz-Riaga, C., Duque-Orozco, Y. V., & Plata-Pacheco, P. A. (2016). Strategies to strengthen innovation capabilities: a view from micro and small enterprises. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(53). Retrieved from


Micro and small enterprises, for its particular characteristics in resources and operative process, have more difficulties to address innovation as a strategic challenge. This article seeks to identify some strategies to strengthen innovation capabilities in such enterprises. With this purpose in mind, a selection and review of academic documents about innovation capabilities was made, according to the review, there is need to develop further knowledge around three capabilities: exploration, exploitation and maintenance or reconfiguration. The academic literature shows strategies for capability strengthen towards enterprises who own enough resources to do innovation; nevertheless, micro and small enterprises also require modified actions to its limitations, so they can grow and remain on the market.

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